Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


GRADUATE STUDENT POSITION available for FALL 2006 in the lab of Dr.
Christopher D. Marshall in the Department of Marine Biology at Texas A&M
University at Galveston (TAMUG; http://www.marinebiology.edu/marshall). Dr.
Marshall¹s research interests are in vertebrate functional morphology &
biomechanics, ecomorphology, and sensory ecology. Other research
opportunities are available. Funding will be provided either as a 9 month
teaching assistantship or research assistantship, depending on funding
availability and student background. Texas A&M University offers financial
support and fellowships for incoming graduate students; sources of support
are awarded on a competitive basis. Potential students are requested to
submit a resume or Curriculum Vita that includes undergraduate GPA, GRE
scores, and a concise statement of experience and interests to the address
below before applying to the graduate program. Please send all material to:

Christopher D. Marshall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marine Biology
Texas A&M University at Galveston
5007 Avenue U
Galveston, TX 77551
Phone: (409) 740-4884
Fax: (409) 740-5002
email: marshalc@tamug.edu

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner


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