Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Friday, December 16, 2005



Cork (IE), 13th–17th June 2006

University College Cork
Coastal And Marine Resources Centre

Webpage: http://cmrc.ucc.ie

Key issues for the practical implementation of ICM objectives are the availability and easy

accessibility of appropriate data and information relevant to coastal issues. Building coastal knowledge and geographic information requires attention at different levels of development, from data collection and analysis to data distribution. This conference will look at Irish and European examples at various stages of data collection, analysis and distribution.

The collection of data should be done scientifically and comprehensively in order to establish a solid base on which to build. Efforts should be made in the development of techniques to quickly process raw data and investigate means of continuous updating. The conference will include examples of techniques for improved field data collection and other methods of data creation and management.

The use of quality data plays an important role in performing accurate and reliable coastal data analysis. The methodologies used in conducting data analyses should ensure an integrated approach to consider a broad range of potential influences. Particularly when studying the coastal landscape, data and information across scientific and socio-economic disciplines must be investigated in order to provide a well-balanced, integrated analysis.

Efforts in building coastal knowledge should provide an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute their perceptions of an area in order to create a comprehensive knowledge of that area. Community members can offer different perspectives of an area's problems, historical and cultural issues, as well as ideas for its management. Elements of effective community involvement in building coastal knowledge will be discussed.

Sharing coastal knowledge and information once it is built requires the development of useful comprehensive tools to disseminate that information, taking advantage of modern technologies to do so. Issues surrounding the sharing of coastal data and information, both within the coastal professional community and with non-expert end users, will be discussed.

Examples of efforts to view and manage geographic information and coastal knowledge using various means with a broad audience in response to community needs will be presented. Relevant field trips will allow attendees to get a first hand personal acquaintance with the regional and local initiatives relevant to the conference themes.

With reference to the activities of the project ECO-IMAGINE for the organisation of a series of EuroEvents, supported by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission – Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses, we are glad to inform you that the allocation grants for early-stage researchers and for experienced researchers is foreseen to support their participation in the ECO-IMAGINE events.

You are invited to apply for the Marie Curie grants. At the beginning of 2006, you will find the forms to fill in and the deadline of submission in their web-page.

Eco-imagine & grant webpage: http://www.gisig.it/eco-imagine/default.htm

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner


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