Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Sunday, May 07, 2006




The Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) in Chile is offering a number of two-year postdoctoral positions for carrying out research in Chile related to the main research foci of the Institute. Fellowships include a monthly stipend and an allowance for research expenses. Interested applicants should already be in possession of a Ph.D. degree or equivalent by May 30, 2006. The two year positions are open to Chilean citizens and foreigners living in and outside Chile, and may be held at any of the institutions associated with IEB. Fellows may use their stipends to support up to two months stay in a foreign country if this is necessary to carry out part of the proposed research.

IEB is a recently created research institute (one of three) of the Chilean Millennium Science Initiative (ICM). http://www.mideplan.cl/milenio/icm.htm IEB replaces and expands former CMEB (Millennium Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Research on Biodiversity). The main research foci of IEB are:

1) Palaeoecology and Biogeography

2) Ecosystems Ecology

3) Microevolutionary Processes

4) Conservation and Society / Global Change Impacts.

IEB functions in a network mode and encourages collaborative and comparative research. Its lead scientists are academics at the Universidad de Chile Chile (Santiago), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago), Universidad de La Serena (La Serena), Universidad de Concepción (Concepción) and Universidad de Magallanes (Punta Arenas).

More detailed information on the research foci and the CVs of the lead researchers, including full listing of their scientific publications can be found at www.ieb-chile.cl .

Persons who are interested in applying for a postdoctoral award should:

a) Establish formal contact with an IEB scientist.

b) Send the following materials to: The Fellowship Committtee, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB).

1) Evidence of completion of a Ph.D. in the last three year and at the time of the closure of the competition.

2) CV, including full bibliographic citations of all scientific publications, academic positions held, other experience, any previous postdoctoral awards, current telephone numbers, fax and e-mail.

3) Two letters of recommendation from scientists who are familiar with your work. One letter must be from the candidate's major professor (thesis advisor). The letters should rank the intellect, performance, writing skills, and capacity for collaborative research of the applicant in relation to other peers.

4) One page outline (single-spaced) of your research goals and the questions to be addressed for the period of the fellowship. Include a statement describing how the proposed research fits into the research themes developed at IEB and what products can be expected.

5) A letter from an IEB scientist indicating his/her willingness to host the research.

The deadline for reception of application materials is 30 May, 2006.

Application materials should be sent to:

Fellowship Committee, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile.

For courier packages, use the following street address: Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Las

Palmeras 3425, Ñunoa, Santiago, Phone 56(2) 9787345.

Materials can be sent by e-mail to: ieb@uchile.cl, cc: chenriqu@uchile.cl

For further information, contact, Dr. Mary T. K. Arroyo, Director, IEB, e-mail: southern@abello.dic.uchile.cl , Phone: 56(2) 271-5464

Selected applicants will be advised on or before 9 June 2006. Contracts must be signed before 15 September 2006.

Source: Cambridge Conservation Forum newsletter

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner


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