Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Monday, June 12, 2006

Conservationevindence.com: sharing conservation experience

www.conservationevidence.com is a non-profit website which collates evidence 
on the effectiveness of conservation management practice. A major aim of the
site is to provide a means for practitioners (such as wardens, site managers
and conservation volunteers) to document their experiences on the
effectiveness of different management techniques. It is hoped that this will
then enable those involved in species or habitat management to improve
conservation practice by learning lessons from each other.

One way to collate this evidence is for individuals and organisations to
submit case studies or ‘cases’ via www.conservationevidence.com. It need
not be complicated and each of the main sections (Background, Action and
Consequences) could comprise just a few sentences. For the case to be
useful for others, there has to be some information on the consequences of
the action. This could be, for example: the effect of establishing a no-take
MPA on fish populations; or coral recruitment on an artificial reef

At present, there are very few tropical marine case studies on the site, and
all that are on the site are from published journals. We are very keen to
add more marine cases, particularly from practitioner experience, as there
is a wealth of knowledge and experience in tropical marine conservation that
remains unpublished.

Webpage: http://www.conservationevidence.com

Source: coral-list@coral.aoml.noaa.gov


Jorge Brenner


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