Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Friday, January 28, 2005

Indian Ocean Disaster GIS resources

For those interested in biophysical ocean sciences and recovery efforts of the Indian Ocean Region take a look at the following web pages:

  • ESRI: This page offers a collection of links to map and data resources relevant to the recent earthquake, tsunami, and disaster recovery efforts in the Indian Ocean region. http://esri.com/news/pressroom/indian_ocean_disaster.html
  • ESEAS: Has been contacted by several organisations that are interested in data from our tide gauges though European seas. Even though our tide gauges are not tailor-made for tsunami warnings or even detection, our data can be used in the global analysis. We hope ESEAS Observing Site data will contribute to the scientific development and improve the warning systems for extreme events like tsunamis. We have collected the following ESEAS Observing Site information and data from the period between December 25th 2004 and January 1st 2005. http://eseas.org/tsunami/.
  • NASA's Earth Observatory: Satellite images and links to other NASA data. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov

I hope you can CONTRIBUTE WITH COMMENTS to improve this spatial data list for the scientific and relief community. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

EUR-OCEANS Network of Excellence PhD. opportunity

The EUR-OCEANS Network of Excellence has opened a call for applicationsfor 20, 3-year PhDsThese Ph.D. fellowships will contribute to the development of theresearch programme and the integration objectives of the network.Interested graduates are encouraged to contact EUR-OCEANS scientists toapply, before the May 1st deadline. Information on the fellowships andthe application process, as well as on line application forms and a toolto search for projects offered by EUR-OCEAN scientists are all availableat the training section of the web site. Selection will be made in June2005, and the successful candidates are expected to start their workbetween July and December, 2005Weblink: http://www.marbef.org/modules.php?name=Mobility.

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Bottlenose Dolphin Research Courses in the Sardinia Island (Italy)

The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI) and the non-profit association "Accademia del Leviatano" would like to announce it's next field courses in social structure and behaviour of the bottlenose dolphin in the Sardinia Island (Italy). Since 1991, the “Accademia del Leviatano” has supported the internships of numerous students. Some of them have become steady collaborators and researchers of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI). The BDRI project carries out boat-based photo-identification surveys on the North-East coast of Sardinia. This research is designed to provide an understanding of the population characteristics of Sardinia dolphins. Twelve courses are offered during the 2005 springtime field season:From April to June 2005, every week.The price is 350.- EURO one week and 600 Euro two weeks including dolphin watching research excursions,accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation to B.D.R.I. & a certificate of attendance. The journey to and from the field base (Golfo Aranci - Sardinia) is not included in the prize. For more information contact: Bruno Díaz LópezResearch Biologist / Marine ZoologistChief ResearcherThe Bottlenose Dolphin Research InstituteV.Armando Diaz Nº4 07020 Golfio Aranci (SS) Italyhttp://www.geocities.com/B_D_R_I, B_D_R_I@yahoo.com.

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

WWF offers scholarship for studies related with the Mesoamerican Reef

WWF though its Russell E. Train scholarship is open for reception of applications of graduate studies on the Mesoamerican Reef for citizens or legal residents of Belice, Guatemala, Honduras and México. Deadline is March 1st, 2005. Application materials is available though contacting: aestrada@wwfca.org, www.wwfca.org.
For information write to: Cinthya Flores, Comunications Officer, Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza, WWF Centroamérica in Costa Rica, +506 2348434, cflores@wwfca.org.

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner


The Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography announces an application deadline of February 15, 2005, for the Master of Advanced Studies degree in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Offered in cooperation with the University of California, San Diego's (UCSD) Office of Graduate Studies and Research and UCSD Extension's Office of Advanced Professional Education, the program will begin its second year in June 2005. The multidisciplinary program will include courses in natural, social, and informatic sciences; marine policy, economics, and law; and training in important cultural and communications skills, providing well-rounded preparation for addressing the diverse stakeholders, solutions, and science involved in biodiversity and conservation efforts. Students can complete the degree in as little as one calendar year. Courses and fieldwork will be led by professors from Scripps's CMBC, the UCSD departments of economics and political science, and the UCSD Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies. The World Wildlife Fund, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Southwest Fisheries Science Center and other government and non-government agencies add value to the program by providing special lectures and discussions. No more than 15 master's students will be admitted to the program. More information, including an online application, is available on the web at http://oaped.ucsd.edu/cmbc/

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Weblog.com a great Internet minning tool!

Weblog.com can help you to keep track of new postings of this and other blogs that you are interested on.


Jorge Brenner

CoastGIS 2005 - 6th International Symposium Computer Mapping and GIS for Coastal Zone Management

Great opportunity: EXTENDED Abstract deadline to: MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005

In order to provide you with additional time to submit your abstract, the abstract deadline has been extended until MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005. Abstracts should focus on Innovation, Technique, Theory, Practice or Case Studies and Application - please see http://www.coastgis2005.org.uk and click on the link to 'Paper's’ for information on submission and topic areas.

We hope that you will join us in July 2005 for what promises to be a very rewarding experience and ask you to please circulate this information to colleagues who may also be interested in submitting an abstract and attending CoastGIS 2005. We look forward to welcoming you to Aberdeen!

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner