Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Marie Curie Early Stage Trainning PhD Fellowships opportunities in ecosystem functioning

Twelve PhD fellowships (METAOCEANS: Elucidating the structure and
functioning of marine ecosystems through synthesis and comparative
analysis) are currently available for a period of 36 months, starting
July 2006 (deadline: 30 June 2006). They offer 12 PhD subjects applying
METANALYSIS TECHNIQUES to the following topics in marine sciences:
  • Ecosystem metabolism
  • Microbial food-webs
  • Planktonic processes
  • Trophic links and Human Impacts
Research projects will be carried out at six European institutes: AZTI,
Spain; CNRS, France; CSIC, Spain; DIFRES, Denmark, Plymouth Marine
Laboratory (PML), UK; UoB, Norway) under the supervision of project

See their web site for a full list of PhD projects available and details
on METAOCEANS (www.metaoceans.net )


I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Detecting changes in biodiversity: experimental design and data analysis course

Location: University of Pisa
Event Type: Training Course
Event Date: 2006-09-04
End Date: 2006-09-15

Event Description:
Complex experimental designs are crucial for most studies of natural systems. The course covers the fundamentals in the design and analysis of experiments in ecology, with emphasis on methods to assess changes in biodiversity. The participants will be instructed on how to decide what kind of analysis is most appropriate given the hypothesis of interest and how to interpret their results. The course will consist of lectures and practical PC exercises. Applications must include a CV.

This course is endorsed by MarBEF under the general conditions, i.e. per MarBEF member one participant is allowed to book the costs of Travel and Subsistence up to a maximum of 750 Euro on their MarBEF account.

Contact email: bencecc@discat.unipi.it

Registration fee: 1500,00 €

Course web page: http://www.marbef.org/modules.php?name=Calendar&file=index&type=view&eid=227

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Summer school on "Climate changes impact on marineecosystems" in Turkey

Announcement for the summer school on "Climate changes impact on marine
ecosystems" next summer (14-26 August, 2006) in Ankara, Turkey. This is
for advanced Ph.D students and young scientists. Further information
(program outline, lecturers, student funding guidelines, deadline for
applications, etc.) is available at the following website


I appreciate if you circulate this message among students and other potential participants.

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes.

Prof. Temel Oguz
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences
P.O. Box. 28, Erdemli 33731, Icel, Turkey
Phone: 90 324 521 2150 (office), 90 324 521 2143 (home)
Fax : 90 324 521 2327



I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Eco-Imagine Thematic Conference extended deadline!

The Eco-Imagine Thematic Conference: BUILDING COASTAL KNOWLEDGE AND GI, Cork (IE), 13th–17th June 2006 has extended deadline for application submision to April 28th.

Conference web page: http://www.gisig.it/eco%2Dimagine/

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Course : Marine Summer Course 2006- Analysing Biodiversity & Life History Strategies

This course will deal with the latest methods in biodiversity research, 
including genomic approaches, DNA barcoding and molecular tools in developmental
studies, presented by invited teachers, all internationally known experts in
their fields. Hands-on experience with animals will be combined with
possibilities to work with modern analytical techniques like phylogenetic analysis,
sequence analysis, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy
* Open to PhD students and post docs; both to members of the MGE network
and to non-members
* The MGE Network pays for everyone's course fee (including lunches,
coffees, excursion and farewell dinner) and the accommodation for the PhD students.
Everyone pay for their own travel.
* July 17-28, 2006, Kristineberg Marine Research Station (www.kmf.gu.se
), Sweden
* Deadline for applications extended to the 1st of May, 2006
* Information and application forms can be found at the MGE website


I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Monday, April 24, 2006

Journal of Environmental Informatics Announcement!

The journal of environmental informatics (JEI) is currently soliciting papers. We are much appreciated if you could forward this message to your research group or your colleagues who may be interested in this. Please refer to the attachment for details.

Thanks and regards,

Editorial Office
Journal of Environmental Informatics
4246 Albert Street, Suite 413
Regina, Saskatchewan 4S4 3R9
Email: jei@iseis.org
Phone: (306) 337-2306
Fax: (306) 337-2305

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ESSP Open Science Conference: CALL for CONTRIBUTIONS

CALL for CONTRIBUTIONS (Deadline: 01 May 2006)

We invite scientists, policy makers, practitioners, scholars, members of the private sector and journalists to participate in the ESSP Open Science Conference and to submit online abstracts (poster or parallel session presentations) through the OSC website (www.essp.org/ESSP2006/CallPapers_index.html). Please note that this call for contributions will primarily be for poster presentations, and that poster sessions will be an integral part of the Conference. Poster sessions will also relate directly to OSC parallel sessions. A list of the session titles and their keywords/brief descriptions can be found on the online submission form and on the Conference website (see web link above). Please note that we cannot accept late submissions (deadline: 01 May 2006) and that abstracts should not exceed 250 words. Thank you for your interest in the ESSP OSC.

Note: Limited resources are available to support selected international participants. Applications for assistance should be submitted using a form that can be obtained from the OSC website (www.essp.org/ESSP2006/FinancialSupport_index.html) - support is contingent upon acceptance of an abstract and the availability of funds.

ESSP is a joint initiative of: DIVERSITAS, IGBP, IHDP and WCRP

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

ConGen Calls - Grants & Science Meetings

The ESF Programme on Integrating population genetics and conservation biology: Merging theoretical, experimental and applied approaches (ConGen) announces a Call for Workshops and for Applications for Exchange Grants, deadline 15 May 2006.

ConGen invites proposals from potential organisers of Workshops to be held in 2006 on topics with a clear connection to the core of the ConGen Programme. We would particularly welcome proposals that integrate the different scientific topics as outlined in the scope of the Programme (http://www.esf.org/congen). Priority will be given to workshops taking place in countries that financially support the Programme.

ConGen is offering funding for a number of Exchange Grants (visits from 15 days to 6 months) related to the scientific objectives of the Programme. Priority will be given to applicants who come from or intend to visit countries that financially support the programme, particularly if both criteria are fulfilled.

ConGen also offers a limited number of Short Visit Grants (visits up to 15 days). There is no fixed deadline for the submission of applications. Applicants should ensure that there is at least 3 months between the date of submission and the proposed starting date of the visit.

Further information, including access to the online application forms, at http://www.esf.org/congen

I hope that this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner