Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

8 new postdoctoral positions at the NEW ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies

ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies, a multi-institutional centre that will formally begin operations by the end of 2005, solicits applications for up to 8 new postdoctoral positions. The positions are available at James Cook University (Townsville), the University of Queensland (Brisbane) and the Australian National University (Canberra). The Centre has secured so far approximately $40 million in funding for 2006-2010. The Centre of Excellence will take a leading role in multi-national research programs, and at the outset has ongoing collaborative links to 28 institutions in nine countries.
Positions are for 1-3 years (preferably 3-year), with a salary of approximately A$55-70K plus benefits, depending on experience. Funding is available for moving costs from overseas. To be competitive, younger applicants will need to have already published most of their PhD results in better journals.
The successful applicants will join Centre staff engaged in the study of coral reefs at a global scale. There is considerable scope for the successful candidates to shape a role that suits their particular strengths and interests. The successful appointees will be expected to publish his or her work in high-quality journals, and to collaborate with Centre staff to apply their skills to research problems in coral reef management and conservation. We are particularly interested in people with advanced training in environmental and socio-economic history, social sciences, natural resource economics, macroecology, epidemiology, stress physiology (particularly climate change), evolutionary biology,
phylogenetics, bioinformatics, paleobiology and biogeography. A high level of numerical/statistical skills is essential, while previous experience with coral reefs is desirable.
The Centre's activities will focus around five programs (see below) that transcend the three major Australian nodes of the Centre. Potential candidates should begin a dialogue with the appropriate Program Leader to help guide a formal application and to find out more about their potential role in one or more programs. We will shortly advertise these positions in Science/Nature.

Program 1: Evolutionary and environmental change (Malcolm.McCulloch@anu.edu.au)
Program 2: Understanding and managing coral reef biodiversity (david.bellwood@jcu.edu.au)
Program 3: Marine reserves and reef connectivity (garry.russ@jcu.edu.au)
Program 4: Genetic, molecular and physiological processes ("Ove Hoegh-Guldberg" )
Program 5: Resilience of linked social-ecological systems (terry.hughes@jcu.edu.au)

Source: Marinet

Jorge Brenner

Call for Symposia - 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology

The 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August 2006 – Eger, Hungary, is: a multidisciplinary meeting within the general theme of 'Diversity for Europe' (www.eccb2006.org ). The meeting will consist of plenaries, symposia, workshops, contributed papers, and field trips. The official language of the meeting will be English. Proposals for Symposia and workshops should be submitted by 1 September 2005.

Source: Cambridge Conservation Forum

Jorge Brenner

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Electronic Conference on: Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation

The organisers of the UK presidency meeting of the European Platform for
Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology (CEH) invite you to participate in the electronic conference
‘Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation: Knowledge needed to support
development of integrated adaptation strategies’ which will run from 29th
August to 16th September 2005
. The results of the Electronic Conference will
be presented at the EPBRS delegates meeting in Aviemore (Scotland), from 2nd
to 5th October 2005.

The main scientific theme of UK EPBRS meeting is how climate change impacts
biodiversity and what adaptation strategies might be conceived. The meeting
will review the scientific evidence and provide recommendations feeding
directly into the EU Nature Directors meeting (to be held in Aviemore from
5th to 7th October 2005). It is anticipated that the recommendations will
cover three areas:
(i) what we already know about impacts of climate change on biodiversity and
the policy options available;
(ii) what are the most important things that we need to find out in order to
develop adaptation strategies;
(iii) how we can ensure the flow of knowledge from research into policy

The e-conference preceding the meeting will focus on the knowledge gaps and
research priorities regarding:
1. The development of adaptation strategies in terms of sites and
ecological networks;
2. The development of adaptation strategies working with other sectors such
as agriculture, forestry, water, energy etc;
3. Understanding, predicting and adapting to change in marine and coastal

You are kindly invited to subscribe to the electronic conference by filling
the subscription form available at:
http://www.nbu.ac.uk/biota/e-conference.htm. In case of any difficulty
subscribing, please e-mail Juliette Young j.young@ceh.ac.uk. Note that
there is no need to subscribe if you subscribed to the last BioPlatform
e-conference – you will automatically have access to this e-conference.
This e-conference will run jointly with the MARBENA project

Source: Marbena

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Russell E. Train Conservation Scholarships for South America

The Russell E. Train Conservation Science Programs is offering postgraduate scholarships for members of the following countries: Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. To conduct scientific conservation work on the Andes and Amazon region.

More information at: http://www.wwf-efn.org/

Application deadline: September 15, 2005.

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Free access to Regional Environmental Change Journal - Springer

Regional Environmental Change focuses on the interactions between human and natural systems at the regional level, within the context of global change, vulnerability, and sustainable development. Regions considered may be at any appropriate scale and may differ widely, provided they are defined in a consistent way. They may include natural regions or those defined by human activities (such as river basins and ecosystems, metropolitan areas, agricultural or coastal regions). Ideally regions should be considered integrated units of the Earth System. Both theoretical and applied studies are welcomed, with an emphasis on work with a multi-disciplinary perspective. For the next 4 weeks, read and download all articles for free: Take advantage of this time-limited offer - bookmark the site, visit often through the 4 weeks and pass the link to your collegues.

Webpage: Regional Environmental Change

Source: SpringerLink Alert

I hpe this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Monday, August 15, 2005

MARINE INSTITUTE/NDP MARINE RTDI 2005 Call for Proposals now open - Galway, Ireland

The Marie Institute, Ireland has recently launched the 2005 Call for competitive proposals under the NDP Marine RTDI Programme 2005.Ireland is investing in marine research, technology development, and innovation through the National Development Plan 2000-2006 to tap into the potential of our vast and valuable marine resource. Ireland's marine territory spans an area ten times our land-mass, - 220 million acres under the sea.

The Marine Institute is pleased to invite Calls for Proposals in the following NDP Marne RTDI Programmes in 2005.
- Strategic RTDI - Applied Industry Research - Networking/Technology Transfer - Post Doctoral Fellowships - Postgraduate Scholarships - Desk Studies
Areas of interest include, Stock Assessment & Genetic Stock Identification (GSI), Marine Data Modelling, Advanced Technologies for Aquaculture, Instrumentation Interface and Data Management Architecture, Sea-floor Observatories and Sensor System Packages, Ecosystem and Ocean Climate Change, Marine Economics, Hydro Acoustics, Benthic Science, Marine Resource Management.

Source: Marine Institute For full details, terms of reference, guidelines for applicants and applications forms visit: www.marine.ie/marinertdi or contact: Felicity Donnelly, NDP Marine RTDI Measure Administrator at felicity.donnelly@marine.ie for further information.

Source: UID>/INBOX>4224#ed16">AquaTT

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Development and control of functional biodiversity at micro- and macro-scales Workshop

Location: Neuherberg/Munich, Germany
Event Type: Workshop
Event Date: 2005-10-05
End Date: 2005-10-07
Event Description:This workshop is held to present and discuss recent advances in the assessment of functional diversity of microorganisms in different habitats. Experiences in the application of approaches to describe and evaluate biodiversity patterns at macro-scales will also be presented and discussed in connection with microbial biodiversity studies at micro-scale level.

Key topics:
Role of functional biodiversity in trophic networks
Role of functional biodiversity in biotic interactions
Indicators of biodiversity changes
Methodological approaches for the assessment of biodiversity at micro- and macroscales

Contributions are invited from:
terrestrial ecosystems
aquatic and marine ecosystems
procaryote – eucaryotic interactionsCall for the submission of Abstracts: Please send abstracts (300 words, Times New Roman, 12pt, single spaced) to the following address: michael.schmid@gsf.de

NEW DEADLINE: 15. August 2005

Contact email: anton.hartmann@gsf.de Event programme:Check the programme page on their website.

Collaborators and organisers:The workshop is organized by : GSF-National Research Centre for Environment and Health Ingolstädter Landstrasse 1 D-85764 Neuherberg/München Germany Tel.: 0049 89 3187 4109 Fax: 0049 89 3187 3376

Website url: http://www0.gsf.de/neu/biodiversity/index_en.php

Registration form: http://www0.gsf.de/neu/biodiversity/registration1_en.php

Source: MARBEF

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

New Electronic Journal of Ichthyology

The new bulletin of the European Ichthyological Society is free online.ç

Webpage: http://ichthyology.tau.ac.il/

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner