Our-Oceans: A Coastal-Marine Environment Science & Technology Blog

Monday, November 28, 2005

Workshop on Research and Conservation of the genus Sotalia


Following deliberations at its eleventh biennial meeting in Quito, Ecuador
in 2004, SOLAMAC is organizing a Workshop on Research and Conservation of
the genus Sotalia to be held in the seaside resort town of Buzios, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, between 19 and 23 June 2006. The aim of the workshop is to
address the conservation, biology and taxonomy of the genus Sotalia.
Specific objectives are:
· to ascertain the current status of Sotalia;
· to identify where and what data are scarce and needed;
· to make recommendations for further research, legislative and
management measures, and conservation programs; and
· to contribute and further the implementation of international and
national conservation and management Action Plans of relevance to the

This five-day workshop is expected to bring together approximately 50
people. Participation at the workshop will be by invitation only. All
invited participants are expected to contribute with an abstract and working
paper in English on the main focus areas for the Workshop: distribution and
status, taxonomy, natural history, major threats, research and monitoring,
conservation and management including socio-economic aspects.

Working languages of the workshop will be Spanish and Portuguese. English
translation will be considered on the basis of English-speaking confirmed

Results of the workshop will be published as a Special Issue of The Latin
American Journal of Aquatic Mammals-LAJAM.

Financial support is provided by MBR- Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S.A.
and other prospective Brazilian and international partners. Institutional
support is given by FIOCRUZ, Wildlife Conservation Society-Brazil and
Brazilian private sector partners.

Workshop schedule deadlines are provided below. Letters of invitation,
provisional workshop agenda, participation confirmation forms, as well as
presentation and paper formats will be forwarded in due course.

Direct all inquiries to:
On behalf of SOLAMAC- Salvatore Siciliano, President: sal@ensp.fiocruz.br

Workshop Schedule Deadlines for Invited Participants

* Abstract ú 15 February 2006
* Working Paper ú 30 April 2006 (to sal@ensp.fiocruz.br)
* Participation Confirmation Forms ú 10 May 2006
* Sotalia Workshop ú 19-23 June 2006

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

MARS Travel Award for Young Scientists

We gladly announce the fifth series of the MARS Travel
This year maximally three awards of 2000 ? each will be granted to promising young scientists to study a research topic at another MARS member institute.

More information on the MARS network can be found on the website: www.marsnetwork.org

Source: Marine-B List.

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Monday, November 21, 2005

United Kingdom Scholarships for International Research Students 2006-07

Value of Awards

The awards will cover the difference between the tuition fee for a UK/EU
postgraduate research student and the fee chargeable to an international
postgraduate student.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are encouraged from international students commencing a full
time postgraduate research programme at the University of Exeter in the
academic session 2006-2007 or current international postgraduate =
research students in their first year of study at the University. Students
entering the third year of their programme will not be eligible for an

As students applicable to this scheme must be liable to pay tuition fees at
a rate for international students, only international students (i.e. in
non-european union countries) may apply.

Selection Criteria

Outstanding merit and research potential are the only criteria required for
the ORS awards. The awards may be held in any field of study.

Length of Tenure

Awards are offered for one year in the first instance.

Subject to satisfactory progress of the award holder, awards will be
renewed for a second or a third year according to the normal or remaining
length of the research programme being undertaken.

Application Forms

These are obtainable from the University of Exeter Graduate School website
at http://www.admin.ex.ac.uk/gradschool/ors-ers.htm and details will be
included in offer packs to applicable students.


The application form must be received by the Graduate School Office by 3
February 2006.

University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center's Summer Institute in Coastal Management

The University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources
Center's Summer Institute in Coastal Management is an
intensive three-week program for early to mid-career
coastal resources management professionals from
developing countries, who are seeking an introduction
to integrated approaches and skills for coastal

The Program provides participants with practical
skills to design, implement, and learn from integrated
coastal management (ICM) programs and experiences from
around the world. The focus is on applying integrated
thinking to critical coastal issues such as but not
limited to livelihood development, sustainable
shorefront planning, sustainable fisheries management,
gender equity, tourism, mariculture, and hazards

The program also provides training in other
professional skills useful to the coastal management
professional skills such as communications, group
facilitation, and conflict resolution.

Program Fee: $5,000 covers all costs of the training
program including tuition, meals, housing, field
trips, reading materials, and special events. Fees do
not cover the cost of travel to and from Rhode Island.
Participants should bring additional funds to cover
personal expenses.

For further information, contact Kim Kaine, Coastal
Resources Center, University of Rhode Island; email:
kkaine@gso.uri.edu or apply on-line at

Source: Coriolis Newsgroup

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Friday, November 11, 2005

Prince Bernhard/WWF Conservation Scholarships

This post is only available in spanish, sorry:

Las becas son específicamente para posgrados o cursos de capacitación que
duren no más de un año. Se invita de manera especial a las mujeres y a las
personas que trabajan para organizaciones no gubernamentales o comunitarias
a que presenten sus solicitudes.

“Daremos prioridad a candidatos que trabajen en temas relacionados con el
cambio climático, bosques, agua dulce, océanos y costas, especies y tóxicos,
que forman parte de las prioridades mundiales de nuestra organización”,
afirmó Ana Isabel Estrada, Oficial de Becas de WWF.

Estrada agregó que “los aplicantes deben tener experiencia y
antecedentes comprobados en las ciencias sociales o naturales, lo cual
incluye desde el periodismo, la legislación y la educación ambiental hasta
la ecología y el manejo de la fauna silvestre”.

El Fondo de Becas Príncipe Bernhard de WWF se estableció en 1991 en
honor al Presidente Fundador de WWF, Su Alteza Real el Príncipe
Bernhard de los Países Bajos, y con el fin de fortalecer la capacidad
técnica y profesional tanto de africanos, asiáticos, europeos como de
latinoamericanos en el trabajo que se realiza para proteger el ambiente.

En el caso de estudiantes centroamericanos, la recepción de
solicitudes ya está abierta y el período para enviar los formularios
completos cierra el 13 de enero del 2006. Quienes deseen aplicar
pueden solicitar su formulario a la oficina regional de WWF en Costa
Rica al email: aestrada@wwfca.org

También puede obtener más información y descargar la solicitud en
internet: www.wwfca.org

Previo a solicitar a beca, los aspirantes ya deben estar aceptados en la
institución donde realizarán el estudio. El monto asignado ronda los 7600
dólares y puede usarse para pagar los costos de matrícula del curso, los
gastos de viaje y de manutención durante el período de estudio, o una
combinación de ambos. Los costos de matrícula del curso se pagarán
directamente a la institución nombrada.

El programa de estudios debe iniciarse a partir del 1 de julio de 2006 y
antes del 30 de junio de 2007.

Para más información:
Ana Isabel Estrada, Oficial de Becas, WWF Centroamérica.
Sede en Costa Rica.
Teléfono: +506 2348434
Email: aestrada@wwfca.org

Cinthya Flores Mora, Oficial de Comunicaciones WWF, cflores@wwfca.org

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

UNESCO-IHE Master of Science programmes

The mission of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for
Water Education is to contribute to the education and
training of professionals and to build the capacity of
institutions active in the fields of
water, environment and infrastructure, in developing
countries and countries in transition.

We would like to draw your attention to the
UNESCO-IHE Master of Science programmes. Starting
October 2006, UNESCO-IHE offers the following
18-months specialisations under four different

1. Environmental Science, with specialisations
Environmental Planning and Management

Environmental Science and Technology

Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems

Water Quality Management

2. Municipal Water and Infrastructure, with
Integrated Urban Engineering

Sanitary Engineering

Water Supply Engineering

3. Water Management, with specialisations
Water Quality Management

Water Resources Management

Water Services Management

4. Water Science and Engineering, with
Hydraulic Engineering – Coastal Engineering and Port

Hydraulic Engineering – Land and Water Development

Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development


Hydrology and Water Resources

How to apply?
First you need to apply for a Letter of
Admission from UNESCO-IHE, which confirms that you are
academically qualified for the specialisation of your
choice. You can find the Application
Form at the back of the brochures. Electronic copies
of the brochures for each specialisation can also be
downloaded from the respective web
links above. In these brochures you will find
information about the content of the specialisations
and the requirements for admission.

How to send application form?
Please note that UNESCO-IHE cannot accept
applications that are sent by e-mail or fax. We can
only accept applications that are sent by airmail. If
you are late in sending your application you
may have to consider to send it by DHL or EMS. Also do
not send us an advance copy as e-mail application. We
anyhow will have to wait for the original and
this may only cause confusion. UNESCO-IHE can only
accept complete applications. This means that with
your application you should enclose:
copy of degree obtained, copy of academic transcript,
two reference letters, copy of results of a TOEFL
(required score 580) or IELTS (required score
6.5) English language test.

Letter of Admission, but no fellowship?
A variety of fellowships are available. A full
overview of fellowship opportunities is available at
our website

Although we advise you to explore all the fellowship
opportunities, we would like to bring to your
attention the Netherlands Fellowship Programme
(NFP). If you are a candidate from a so-called NFP
country (see www.nuffic.nl) we encourage you to apply
for an NFP fellowship, even if you pursue other
possibilities as well. The form for the NFP
application can be downloaded from www.nuffic.nl.
Please note that, for the MSc programmes,
which start in October 2006, the deadline for
submission of applications for the NFP programme to
the Netherlands Embassy varies
(31 December 2005 and 31 March 2006, depending on the
regulations of the Embassy in your country). Please
consult the Netherlands’ Embassy for
the appropriate deadline, or download the information
from the NUFFIC Website. The request for a Letter of
Admission should be submitted to UNESCO-IHE
well before the deadline for receipt of the NFP
application by the Embassy. This is because the Letter
of Admission is needed by the Embassy with the
NFP application, some countries also require you to
pass an official English test as well.
Send us your Application Form today! This is
easy to do, it is free of charge, and does not commit
you to anything. However, it is your first step to
follow an MSc Programme at UNESCO-IHE. Further
information about all our educational programmes and
products and about UNESCO-IHE can be obtained from
our website www.unesco-ihe.org.

We would highly appreciate if you could also
forward this information to interested colleagues or
other contacts in your network.

Vera Schouten
Secretary Environmental Resources
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
P.O. Box 3015
2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands
tel: 31 15 2151741
fax: 31 152122921
e-mail: v.schouten@unesco-ihe.org

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) Global Environmental Change Open Science Conference: CALL for SESSIONS

The ESSP Open Science Conference programme will emphasize plenary sessions in order to meet the Conference objective of bringing together practitioners from many different disciplines to focus on the integrated Earth System approach to global environmental change research. If you are interested in organizing a conference session please submit a completed call for sessions form, which can be downloaded from either one of the following ESSP Conference websites:

  1. www.essp.org/ESSP2006
  2. www.essp2006osc.com

The deadline for the Call for Sessions is
30 November 2005.

Venue: Beijing, China, 9-12 November 2006

Immediately prior to the main Conference, the 2nd International Young Scientists (YSC) Global Change Conference (7-8 November 2006), organized by the ESSP SysTem for Analysis Research and Training (START), will convene in Beijing. For more details, please access the START website: http://www.start.org

For more information about the ESSP OSC, please visit the aforementioned ESSP Conference websites. If, however, you have any specific questions, then please contact:

Martin Rice

ESSP Coordinator

Email: mrice@essp.org

Website: http://www.essp.org

Source: Diversitas-International

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

New Weblog of the Fish Spawning Aggregations of the Caribbean

This weblog attempts to post updated
information about the characteristics of reef fish spawning aggregations of commercial
importance in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea in terms of biology, ecology,
and cultural and traditional aspects (traditional ecological knowledge). This bilingual
weblog represents a initial effort of the Center for Interdisciplinary Coastal Studies,
supported by the Caribbean Coral Reef Institute through the University of Puerto
Rico, Mayagüez Campus. Your comments are important; for you to submit any, just click
at the title of every entry of interest and a window will appear at the bottom where
you may write your opinion. Thank you for your kind attention. Sorry for cross postings.


Alfonso Aguilar-Perera, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Center for Interdisciplinary Coastal Studies &
Caribbean Coral Reef Institute,
University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez, 00681-9013

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner


GRADUATE STUDENT POSITION available for FALL 2006 in the lab of Dr.
Christopher D. Marshall in the Department of Marine Biology at Texas A&M
University at Galveston (TAMUG; http://www.marinebiology.edu/marshall). Dr.
Marshall¹s research interests are in vertebrate functional morphology &
biomechanics, ecomorphology, and sensory ecology. Other research
opportunities are available. Funding will be provided either as a 9 month
teaching assistantship or research assistantship, depending on funding
availability and student background. Texas A&M University offers financial
support and fellowships for incoming graduate students; sources of support
are awarded on a competitive basis. Potential students are requested to
submit a resume or Curriculum Vita that includes undergraduate GPA, GRE
scores, and a concise statement of experience and interests to the address
below before applying to the graduate program. Please send all material to:

Christopher D. Marshall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marine Biology
Texas A&M University at Galveston
5007 Avenue U
Galveston, TX 77551
Phone: (409) 740-4884
Fax: (409) 740-5002
email: marshalc@tamug.edu

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Friday, November 04, 2005

ENBI 2005 Workshops on Biodiversity Information

This message concerns those interested to attend one of the following workshops:

An Advanced Workshop
Biodiversity Information and the Law
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK
30 November - 2 December 2005

Basic Training Workshop
Biodiversity Information and Informatics
Charles University of Prague
21 - 22 November 2005.

Dear members of the ENBI community,

Unfortunately, technical problems have disturbed e-mail traffic to and from Chris Johnson, who is organizing the workshops mentioned above.

If you have contacted Chris Johnson during the past two weeks and have not succeeded, or if you have received no answer to your e-mail, please contact Chris again (cjohnson@maich.gr) and send a CC to me (arijkers@science.uva.nl).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,
Tonnie Rijkers, PhD
Project Manager European Network for
Biodiversity Information (ENBI)

Zoological Museum Amsterdam
Universiteit van Amsterdam
PO Box 94766
1090 GT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 525 7753
Fax: +31 20 525 7238

I hope this is of your interst. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

UPDATE: 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology

The 'Call for Papers' has been announced on the congress website: www.eccb2006.org

Please, note that the 'Online Abstract Submission' will be open on 30 November 2005. Web submission is strongly encouraged.
Detailed information on registration fees and accommodation possibilities will be announced next week, at latest.
You are recommended to visit the webiste of the congress frequently for up-to-date information.

Venue: August 22-26, 2006 Hungary

Congress deadlines:

1 Dec 2005 Open 'Online Abstract Submission'

15 Jan 2006 Open 'Online Registration'

15 Feb 2006 Close the 'Call for abstracts'

15 Apr 2006 End of notification of accepting/rejecting abstracts

30 Apr 2006 End of early bird registration

30 Jun 2006 End of regular registration

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories Symposium 2006

Please do not forget to submit your contributions to the EARSeL Symposium 2006 which will be held in Warsaw on 29 May - 2 June 2006, see at

More info: http://www.earsel.org/pdf/EARSeL_Warsaw_2006.PDF

The Symposium Programme will include sessions on remote sensing on oceanography, water and atmosphere and on coastal zone management.

The abstract submission date is 14 November!

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Thursday, November 03, 2005

34th annual conference of the European Association of Aquatic Mammals

The 34th annual conference of the European Association of Aquatic Mammals
(EAAM) is scheduled from 17th until 20th of March 2006. Oltremare will host
the conference on its premises in Riccione, Italy.

The EAAM is an organization of people interested in marine mammals in human
care, in a zoological environment or in the wild, and includes
veterinarians, biologists, zoo and marine park directors and managers,
trainers (husbandry professionals), researchers, students and other persons
who devote a significant amount of time to the welfare of marine mammals
through research, medical care, training, education, conservation,
management and related activities.

During the conference you can present the results of your work with marine
mammals during a fifteen minute presentation or by a poster presentation.
All topics related to marine mammal science and husbandry will be
acceptable: conservation, education, medicine, practical aspects of
husbandry, et cetera. However, for the 34th Symposium, EAAM specially
encourages presentations that highlight the benefits science has from the
possibility to research marine mammal populations under human care. The
deadline for abstract submission is the 23rd of December 2005. An electronic
abstract submission form is available on the conference website.

Details on the conference program, the location, the workshop, guest
speakers (Dr Sam Ridgway, Dr Joseph Geraci and Professor Guido Dehnhard),
hotel reservations, registration and transportation are available on the
conference website http://www.parcoltremare.it/commonfiles/eaam/eaam.php .

For all your further questions please contact:

Mrs Rita Tornari
Oltremare Srl
Via Ascoli Piceno 6
47838 Riccione (RN)
Tel. ++ 39 0541-4271
Fax.++ 39 0541-427101

Looking very much forward to meeting you next spring in Riccione!

Niels van Elk
President Elect EAAM
Strandboulevard Oost1
3841 AB Harderwijk
The Netherlands
Tel: ++ 31 341 467 456
E mail: eaam@dolfinarium.nl

Source: Marinet

I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Project Guidelines and Grant Application Format
Project Guidelines
The mission of the Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation is to contribute to
global biodiversity conservation by providing strategically targeted,
catalytic support for the conservation of endangered nonhuman primates and
their natural habitats. Projects submitted to the foundation should have
one or more of the following characteristics:

1. projects focusing on critically endangered and endangered nonhuman
primates living in their natural habitats;
2. primate projects being conducted in areas of high overall biodiversity
and under great threat (e.g., “threatened hotspots”, “megadiversity”
countries) - to ensure maximum multiplier effect for each project;
3. projects being carried out by nationals from the tropical countries to
increase local capacity for implementing biodiversity conservation;
4. projects that strengthen international networks of field-based primate
specialists and enhance their capacity to be successful conservationists;
5. projects that result in publication of information on endangered primate
species in a format that is useful both to experts and the general public.

Projects should contribute to at least one, and preferably more, of the
following themes:
1. enhancement of scientific understanding/knowledge of the target
2. improved protection of a key species, habitat, or reserved area;
3. demonstration of economic benefit achieved through conservation of a
species and its habitat, as compared to loss thereof;
4. increased public awareness or educational impact resulting from the
project in question;
5. improved local capacity to carry out future conservation efforts through
training or practical experience obtained through project participation; and
6. modification of inappropriate policies or legislation that previously led
t species or habitat decline.

Grant Application Format
The foundation will accept grant applications only from qualified tax-exempt
organizations. All proposals for grant support should include verification
that the organization requesting the grant is at present an organization
exempt from taxation under the United States of America's Internal Revenue
Code Sections 501(c)(3) or 509(a). Copies of the determination letter from
the Internal Revenue Service must accompany the grant request. If you are
not based in the United States, please indicate the U.S.-based institution
that has tax-exempt status and will act as the sponsor of your project, with
full fiscal responsibility for the grant. A letter from the U.S.-based
tax-exempt organization indicating their willingness to serve in this way
should accompany the proposal. Failure to include such information will
result in return of the grant proposal.

The following format should be used for your grant application, which
should not exceed five (5) double-spaced typed pages of main text (not
including attachments):

1. Title of project. Include a descriptive title that includes the name(s)
of the target species and the geographic location of the project (e.g.,
“Conservation of the muriqui, Brachyteles arachnoides, in the state of Minas
Gerais, Brazil”).
2. Abstract of the project. Include an abstract of not more than one
paragraph summarizing the principal objectives of the project.
3. Project personnel and institutional affiliations. Provide information on
the principal investigator with curriculum vitae, plus mention all other
major collaborators, and their institutional affiliations. (Do not include
curricula for everyone, only the principal investigator).
4. Objectives of project. Describe the main objectives of the project, its
specific activities, how they will contribute to conservation of the target
species and ecosystems, and how these are consistent with the Foundation's
mission. This should be the main body of the application and should be
specific, while at the same time not exceeding five double-spaced pages.
Include a map of the project area and any other relevant supporting
5. Time frame of the project. Describe the time frame of the project,
expected starting date and duration. Note that a progress report is
required six months after receipt of the grant, and a final report upon
6. Expected project outputs. Describe the specific outputs of the project,
e.g., expected scientific publications, popular articles, conservation
action plans, management plans, etc. Presumably each project will have one
or more outputs of this kind as one of its objectives. If this is not the
case, please explain why and what other impacts the project is likely to
7. Collaborating institutions in the project country. Please describe the
collaborating institutions with which you will be working in the project
country, and include letters of support from them if at all possible. This
is especially important for applicants who are not nationals from the
country in which the work is to be conducted.
8. Professional references. Please list three references that the
Foundation can contact about your project should it choose to do so. The
list of references should include mailing addresses, phones, fax numbers,
and e-mail addresses if available.
9. Budget of the project. Please give as detailed a budget as you can for
the project, including support (if any) from other sources. Amounts should
be given in U.S. dollars, not in other currencies. Note also that the
Foundation does not pay overheads, only direct project expenses.

Please note that you will be responsible for providing the Foundation with
the following materials during and at the end of the project:
1. A progress report six months after receipt of the grant.
2. A final report upon termination of the project.
3. Full financial accounting of the project.
4. Five copies each of any scientific or popular publications, newspaper or
magazine articles, or reports, action plans, etc., resulting from the
project. Grant recipients are encouraged to publish at least some of their
findings in the newsletters and journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist
Group (i.e., Primate Conservation, Asian Primates, African Primates,
Neotropical Primates and Lemur News).

Please submit your application in duplicate. If you want to send a
preliminary version by fax or e-mail, please do so, but a hard copy will be
required for formal consideration of the project. Do not submit computer
disks of your project, but rather paper copies.

Please note that applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis,
but are considered for funding at semi-annual meetings of the Board of the
Foundation. Notification of awards will take place within one month after
each Board meeting date. All grant applications should be sent to:

Dr. William R. Konstant
Conservation International
1919 M Street NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
E-mail: bkonstant@houstonzoo.org


I hope this is of your interest. Regards,

Jorge Brenner